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BlessRNG Meaning

BlessRNG Meaning

The BlessRNG emote is used to pray during the stream.


Posted at November 26, 2020

BlessRNG Twitch Emote Meaning

The BlessRNG emote was widely used on Twitch channels when viewers prayed for something to happen. It has religious connotations but, most of the time, the chat is praying to the Twitch gods.

The image behind BlessRNG is the face and hands of Brad Jolly, a Twitch streamer, who has a resemblance to Jesus Christ.

It is the viewers' favorite emote for praying and many streamers have created their own versions of it.

BlessRNG Emote Origin

BlessRNG first appeared on March 2, 2017, when streamer Brad "BlessRNG" Jolly posted a tweet announcing that Twitch had already approved his emote.

During the following months, the emote ran like wildfire and established itself as the favorite emote for praying on Twitch.

In June 2020 the emote was removed by Amazon's streaming platform because of Brad's inappropriate behavior in his private life.

How is BlessRNG pronounced?

BlessRNG pronunciation comes like this: “Bless-R-N-G”.

BlessRNG banned from Twitch?

In June 2020, the BlessRNG emote was removed from the streaming platform due to the confession that Brad Jolly had assaulted his ex-girlfriend. Twitch does not accept this kind of behavior and banned the emote from the platform, a resolution asked by many users.


The BlessRNG emote was used to ask the gods for the good becoming of an action. This emote has many variations and the original emote is no longer available in Twitch.


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