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MonkaHmm Meaning

MonkaHmm Meaning

MonkaHmm is one of the emotes based on the character Pepe the Frog and it is used for showing that we are thinking or waiting for a decision.


Posted at November 19, 2020

MonkaHmm Twitch Emote Meaning

With MonkaHmm, Twitch users can show that they are thinking about something or making a decision. It is MonkaS' first cousin, based on the character Pepe the Frog.

To view and use MonkaHmm you need to have the BetterTTV extension installed.


MonkaHmm Emote Origin

The MonkaHmm Emote was added to the FrankerFaceZ browser extension in 2018 by user "Klotzi" and it shows a modified form of the MonkaS Emote, which is used to express anxiety.

Both the MonkaHmm emote and the MonkaS emote are a variation of the internet phenomenon Pepe the Frog, which was created by the comic artist Matt Furie. Therefore, the origin of the popular MonkaHmm emote can be traced back to Matt Furie.

How is MonkaHmm Pronounced?

Pronunciation for MonkaHmm is easy: “Mon-ka-hmmm”


MonkaHmm is used to tell others that we are thinking about something or we are watching the streamer making a decision. It is one of the most used emotes of Pepe the Frog's family.


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