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Rofl Meaning

Rofl is a shortened term used to indicate that we are laughing a lot.


Posted at December 17, 2020

What does Rofl mean?

ROFL is one of the most widely used acronyms on the Internet and social networks. It comes from the English phrase "Rolling On the Floor Laughing".

It is a way of reacting to a funny event, just like when we use LOL ("Laughing Out Loud") and LMAO "Laughing My Ass Off".

ROFL is used to indicate that we are laughing a lot at a funny situation or comment, but we are laughing much more than when we use LOL, and we don't want to fall into the vulgarity of the LMAO term.

Rofl Origin

The first known use of the term ROFL on the internet was during a conversation on Usenet, one of the oldest forums on the web. The conversation took place in 1989.

The message written by a user named Chuq, was laughing at another user when the latter did not know the term RTFM ("Read the Fucking Manual").

Later, in 1992, the term appeared modified as ROTFLOL in a new Usernet conversation about alternative rock. The term ROTFLOL joined ROTF and LOL to mean "Rolling on the Floor + Laughing out Loud".

It even have a helicopter, the ROFFLECOPTER:

YouTube Thumbnail

The term was soon simplified to ROFL or ROTFL.

Synonyms of Rofl

  • LOL
  • LMAO
  • LULZ
  • Laugh
  • Giggle


The term ROFL is used to say that we are laughing a lot at a comment or situation. We use it when we are laughing more than with LOL. The term originates in the Usernet, in 1989, one of the first internet forums.


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