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Yeet Meaning

Yeet is a “word” used as an exclamation in songs or when someone is dancing.


Posted at December 17, 2020

What does yeet mean?

Yeet is a term to show emotion, surprise, or react with approval to something.

It has multiple meanings, but the truth is that it is not used as a word, but as an expression that we shout out.

How to use yeet?

It is used while we are dancing, singing or throwing something away if we want to give it that "punch" that it is the best thing in the world or that we are having fun. It is often used in exclamation points in songs or when someone is dancing.

It is a word to be used with humor in colloquial talks and not in professional areas.


The origin of yeet takes us back to hip-hop from the early 2000s. It is a cheer similar to the one used by 50cent with his "G-G-G-Unit" (with a pronunciation similar to the G-G-G) and also similar to "Yeaaah!" cheer from Lil Jon.

In 2014, the meme became very popular thanks to the video of some young boys shouting while their friend was dancing. You can see the video here.

YouTube Thumbnail


  • Ah ha!
  • Yeah!


The term yeet is a cry of emotion, surprise or what we will use to say that something we like or surprise. It is not normally used as a word, simply as a nonsense exclamation. Yeet, yeet!


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A cheerful social media person. Loves cheese and bubble tea, but never at the same time.