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The Perfect Branding

The Perfect Branding

You already have experience with streaming, but your community is only growing slowly? In this case, you probably lack a professional branding to level up your streaming performance.


Posted at September 10, 2020

Besides a uniform design, there is much more to it. We will show you step by step what is important for a perfect branding and how you can easily implement it.

Table of contents

Automatically added at the top of the page, but if it is present anywhere the top one will be removed and this one will be used instead

YouTube Videos

With description

YouTube Thumbnail
This is an option decription

Without description

YouTube Thumbnail


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus eleifend placerat purus, nec posuere nunc condimentum ut. Cras tempor sem libero, nec faucibus libero dignissim sit amet.

- Leonardo Da Vinci

Image component

With link

Without link (opens a modal)


This is a description for the call the action

This is a call to action

Product cards

Dynamic product card:


Premium Stream Alerts

Rayden Premium Stream Alerts

  • All colour versions as presented in the product image
  • 5 Twitch alerts for events in your stream
  • 1 PSD and 5 PNG files included

Maker cards:

Emote maker


Emote Maker

Make Your Own

  • Create a unique emote set in no time. It's easy, quick and fun!
  • Ideal for Twitch, Trovo, YouTube and Discord. All sizes you need.
  • Create the perfect emote from 25,000,000,000 combinations.

Gaming Logo Maker


Gaming Logo Maker

Make Your Own

  • Create a unique logo in no time. It's easy, quick and fun!
  • For Twitch, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok,...
  • Stand out from the crowd!

Trailer Maker


Twitch Trailer Maker

Make Your Own

  • Create unique Youtube Intros and Twitch Channel Trailer
  • Use our templates and customize everything as you want it.
  • Every good film, every good series is teased with trailers.

Avatar Maker


Avatar Maker

Make Your Own

  • Create your unique avatar in no time. It's easy, quick and fun!
  • Ideal for Twitch, Trovo, YouTube and Discord.
  • Create the perfect avatar from 25,000,000,000 combinations.

Badge Maker


Badge Maker

Make Your Own

  • Create your unique sub badges set in no time. It's easy, quick and fun!
  • Create the perfect set from 25,000,000,000 combinations.
  • Can a streamer ever have enough sub badges? No!

FAQ Component

Frequently asked questions

Lorem ipsum?
Maecenas vitae lectus eget eros ullamcorper posuere. Praesent vehicula pretium magna, ut rutrum leo dignissim ac. Mauris eros turpis, pulvinar vel libero et, fermentum ultricies tellus. Curabitur vulputate facilisis dui, tristique dignissim tellus dapibus id. Phasellus auctor porttitor mauris eget malesuada.
lectus eget eros ullamcorper?
Maecenas vitae lectus eget eros ullamcorper posuere. Praesent vehicula pretium magna, ut rutrum leo dignissim ac. Mauris eros turpis, pulvinar vel libero et, fermentum ultricies tellus. Curabitur vulputate facilisis dui, tristique dignissim tellus dapibus id. Phasellus auctor porttitor mauris eget malesuada.
ut rutrum leo dignissim ac?
Maecenas vitae lectus eget eros ullamcorper posuere. Praesent vehicula pretium magna, ut rutrum leo dignissim ac. Mauris eros turpis, pulvinar vel libero et, fermentum ultricies tellus. Curabitur vulputate facilisis dui, tristique dignissim tellus dapibus id. Phasellus auctor porttitor mauris eget malesuada.Maecenas vitae lectus eget eros ullamcorper posuere. Praesent vehicula pretium magna, ut rutrum leo dignissim ac. Mauris eros turpis, pulvinar vel libero et, fermentum ultricies tellus. Curabitur vulputate facilisis dui.

Info box Component

This is an info box component

Here is some text for the component

This is an info box component

Here is some text for the component

This is an info box component

Here is some text for the component

This is an info box component

Here is some text for the component

This is an info box component

Here is some text for the component

CTA boxes

Normal styling, no label next to cta

Pro styling, with label next to cta

Academy styling, with label next to cta

OWN3D.tv styling, with label next to cta

Pro styling, without label next to cta

Image slider

style 1 - text below

style 2 - text inside


(Old component - unchanged)

(Old component - unchanged)

Giphy component

(Old component - unchanged)



Option one

Option two



Step 1: How do you build up your brand?

Be aware of one thing: You are your branding. Not some fancy logo or the craziest alert by itself. The image you show to the outside world, how you act, how you talk to your community, but also the look of your online presence is what defines the overall picture.

Besides the recognition value you should pay attention to authenticity. Of course, it happens again and again that viewers don’t like something about your branding, but it would be wrong to misrepresent it. According to an old proverb: Everyone is given the followers he deserves!


The most important thing is the way you communicate with your audience and community. During the process of finding this out, ask yourself the following questions:

  • How do you want to be perceived?
  • How old is your target audience (are vulgar expressions ok, etc.)?
  • What special phrases or expressions do you use?

Especially the latter point is an exciting one, because the building of your recognition value already begins in communication. We’ll explain this to you using an example: The two prominent streamers HandOfBlood and Kalle have created the words “Ehre” and “Alla”. After a few weeks, these words could be read over and over in their chats. In addition, they have thus reached the ultimate achievement: Their community also uses the words outside the streams – verbally as well as in other social networks or streams.

Think about which expressions or sentences are so typical for you that you don’t even notice them yourself, but where you know that they are not ubiquitous in your native language. Often these are phrases that you heard as a child or that are typical for your home region – for example dialects.

Unique selling proposition (USP)

Another point you should take advantage of is theUSP; something that also comes from business education: If there are many suppliers for the same product, each one must stand out from the others with a unique selling point.

HandOfBlood streams in a knight outfit https://twitter.com/handiofiblood/

As a streamer, you do this in addition to communication by thinking up a special program for your live streams or by masquerading. The latter can be a costume matching the game or accessories that you always wear.

Corporate Identity (CI)

If you want to undertake a professional brand building, there is no way around corporate identity. The term describes all the features that distinguish you, from your communication, to your unique selling point and your design. And we’re talking about your Twitch channel as well as all the other sites you appear on the internet.


Brave Stream Design by OWN3D.TV


Minimal Stream Design by OWN3D.TV

For this reason, it is also existential to get all design elements from one supplier and not to mix them wildly. The look and colors of your overlays, alerts, emotes, badges and panels should harmonize with each other, fit your personality and be adaptable to other channels. In this way, the third point also increases your recognition value. So, avoid any generators that create graphics that you can find everywhere on Twitch.

twitch-branding-nilson1489.pngTwitch Design from Nilson1489

Test Karin (H1)

Text/Image 1

Text/Image 2

Text/Image 3

Text/Image 4

Text/Image 5

Text/Image 6


Info box

50 words

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

30 Wörter

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et

70 words

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam

CTA box - 16:9 image

CTA box - banner format

Image slider - text inside

Image slider - text below


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