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How to cancel a Twitch subscription

How to cancel a Twitch subscription

You're no longer completely convinced by a streamer you've subscribed to on Twitch? Do you no longer visit Twitch so often that a subscription is no longer worthwhile? No matter what the reason is - it is possible to cancel your Twitch subscription at any time. We'll explain how to do that in this little guide.


Posted at January 26, 2021

Instructions: How to cancel Twitch subscription

Step 1

First, you should log in with your Twitch account on the website in a browser of your choice. To do this, simply click on "Sign in" at the top right. Here, if not filled in automatically, enter your email address and password and click "Sign in".


Step 2

To access your subscriptions, simply click on your profile picture in the top right-hand corner and then on "Subscriptions". This handy page gives you an overview of which streamers you are subscribed to. In addition, you can see exactly whether you still have gift subscriptions or which streamers you have already supported with subscriptions in the past.


Step 3

In the tab "Your subscriptions (x)" you will find the channels you actively support. Now select the channel and click on the gear icon on the right side. Here you can change your subscriber level. If you now select the option "Do not renew subscriber", the deactivated subscription will only expire and will not be renewed automatically.

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Step 4

After the deactivation you still have the possibility to leave a shot feedback for the streamer or channel. Choose the reason and confirm it. Now the subscription is canceled.

Cancel VS Refund Subscription

It may happen that you change your mind shortly after a subscription and you want to refund the subscription. This can be for a number of reasons, - maybe the streamer said something you didn't like shortly after starting your subscription, or maybe you forgot that you're a little short on cash this month.

Unfortunately, there is no way to get a refund for a subscription on Twitch. The subscription ends automatically after one month. You should therefore think carefully about which channel you subscribe to, because it is not possible to withdraw your subscription.

Specifically, the Twitch Terms of Service states the following:

We do not offer any refunds or credits, including, without limitation, fees for Subscription Services.

- Twitch

From viewer to streamer: visit the OWN3D.academy


Tastes change, people change, every Jack has his Jill and what you thought was cool a few months ago, you may find annoying and not entertaining today. Cancelling your Twitch subscription is great for situations like this. Maybe you've been a subscriber to your favorite channel for a long time, but want to support other streamers you like. Your Twitch subscription can mean a lot to some small creators. What is only 5$ per month for you, is a confirmation of their work for someone whose streams entertain you in the best way. For this reason, you should think carefully about who you subscribe to and whether cancellation is necessary.


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