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How to block Twitch Ads - Guide

How to block Twitch Ads - Guide

Tired of annoying Twitch ads while you're watching a stream? In this article we would like to show you if and how you can block ads on Twitch.


Posted at July 20, 2021

1 General

Twitch is still the largest streaming platform in the world. Every day, millions of users and creators gather here to watch streams or present their content. From this point of view, it is clear that a relatively large amount of advertising is shown on Twitch. While new ways to prevent advertising have emerged in recent years, Twitch is making it harder and harder for users by implementing more and more technical pitfalls and walls. Still, are there ways to block the unsightly interruptions, and if so, how? Find out everything you need to know about blocking ads on Twitch in this comprehensive guide. 


2 How to block Ads on Twitch - Requirements

The good news first: Twitch ads can be blocked in 2021 under certain circumstances. The bad news, however, is that this is not possible on all platforms. SmartTV users or people who watch streams via the Twitch app on their console will have to look down the tube and put up with the ads if they don't have Twitch Prime subscription. 

However, Twitch ads can be blocked more or less effectively on a PC or smartphone. So if you enjoy Twitch with your browser on your PC, laptop or cell phone or tablet, you have all the prerequisites to be able to block ads on Twitch. 

3 Methods to block Ads on Twitch

3.1 Adblocker

The most effective and probably the only working way to really disable advertising are so-called AdBlockers. These are small programs that are installed on your operating system and run silently and secretly in the background to block ads while you surf or enjoy online content. These programs are available on the Internet in abundance - both for free and for a fee or in a subscription model. 

3.2 Twitch Prime

The other method is far more obvious, simple and effective. Here, the ads are not blocked, - better yet: they're not even pushed on you in the first place. You probably already guessed it, - we are talking about the only official method of not having ads displayed on Twitch: Twitch Prime. Twitch's paid subscription service. 

Since Twitch is part of Amazon, the subscription is free for Amazon Prime members! For everyone else, the service costs €7.99 per month. With Twitch Prime, you will no longer see ads on Twitch - neither on your SmartTV, nor on your PC or cell phone. As soon as you log in to your Twitch account on any device, you will no longer receive ads. Plus, with Twitch Prime, you get some other cool benefits, like monthly loots. So in case you're an Amazon Prime member, you can safely skip the rest of this article. Just connect your Amazon account to your Twitch account and you're done!


4 How to block Twitch Ads - How it works!

As already mentioned, there are many different AdBlockers on the Internet and depending on how Twitch is currently acting against them, blocking ads is not guaranteed with every AdBlocker. One tool that has proven to be a good option in recent years isAdBlock. It is a browser plug-in that not only kills ads on Twitch and YouTube, but also all banner ads on other websites. You can download and install the tool for free. It doesn't matter if you are using Safari, Chrome or Firefox - by now, AdBlock supports almost every Internet browser. Of course, we can't guarantee that blocking ads on Twitch will always work smoothly. Simply for the reason that Twitch is constantly updating the restrictions and adapting them to the AdBlocker updates. Two interests meet here, - one side wants ads to be shown under all circumstances, the other side tries to counteract this with ever new updates. 

5 Conclusion

If you are a regular Twitch user and the ads you see bother you, you should seriously consider signing up for Twitch Prime. Maybe you already have Amazon Prime, which would mean that Twitch Prime is "free" for you. The method of blocking ads with AdBlockers is a valid one, but you'll always be annoyed that from one moment to the next it doesn't work the way you want it to. 


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