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12 Twitch tips you should know!

12 Twitch tips you should know!

You've started streaming on Twitch, gathered your first viewers and now you are wondering about the best way to grow? We have prepared 12 Twitch tips for you on how to improve your Twitch stream, get more viewers and grow in the long run. There are countless ways to make your stream even more exciting, appealing and professional - so if you are planning on streaming for a long time, it is definitely worthwhile to keep adding new features to your stream. With the following 12 Twitch tips, you can build a solid foundation to grow on Twitch.


Posted at September 10, 2020

Twitch tip 1: Endurance & Motivation

Especially as a newcomer to the streaming scene, endurance & motivation are among the most essential qualities for long-term growth. Always keep in mind why you’ve started streaming in the first place and follow your passion. The probability that you will become a Twitch star overnight is relatively low and happens only in very rare cases. However, the right commitment on Twitch is rewarded almost every time. In the beginning, it is best to set small milestones and use them to enjoy achievements and remain motivated at all times. Over time, you will find it increasingly easy to achieve them and you can set yourself bigger goals. 

Twitch tip 2: The equipment

The right equipment is one of the core elements for a high-quality live stream. If you have started with the basics, for example, it is now advisable to consider which purchases will take your channel to the next level. 

The possibilities available here are huge these days. For example, a green screen with which you can easily change your background, a good desktop microphone for best sound or an upgrade for your hardware to provide an even better experience for your viewers. You should always think about which upgrade is best suited to your current situation. The beauty of this is that you can do this step by step and thus spread the high investment over a longer period of time.


Twitch tip 3: Designing your Twitch channel

The appearance of your Twitch channel should definitely not be neglected either. There are plenty of ways to make your channel look more stylish and professional. It could be a uniform channel design, with banners and panels for your biography, links to your social media channels or an overlay for your stream itself. We offer all these elements individually or in complete packages - professionally designed with attention to detail. Feel free to visit our shop and convince yourself. We are sure that you will find a cool design upgrade for your stream that will make you an eye-catcher.

Twitch tip 4: Individual development and branding

If you're still in the process of starting out, building a personality or brand is essential for your growth. Know your strengths and transform them into a constant personality, whether you are a genius, comedian, talent or philosopher. 

Depending on what you are streaming, you should also include some running gags in your stream, which in time will be known by all your viewers. Almost every big streamer uses them by now, be it freak-outs from Tyler1 or "Brrrrrrrr" from LL Stylish. Furthermore, your own branding and appearance is an additional important aspect. A prime example of this is Dr. Disrespect with his dominant 80s look, who is sure to stick in the mind of anyone who has ever seen him.

But naturalness also strikes a chord with many: Whether you put yourself in a role or simply be yourself is up to you.

Building up a personality and constantly developing it can help you to become a streamer with a loyal audience.

Twitch tip 5: Streaming concept

Nowadays, on Twitch you can easily reach an audience in almost every category with the necessary commitment. From a video game god to an entertainer to a celebrity chef, every talent will find a place on Twitch. You know your own strengths and what you want to present in your streams. To get the best out of yourself, you should make a note of the content that is most appealing to your audience and integrate it into a constantly expanding concept. This way, your stream will get more and more personal and your viewers know exactly what they can expect from your stream.


Twitch tip 6: Time management

Streaming on Twitch should always be seen as a hobby in your early days. You should therefore think carefully about how much free time you can devote to it. If you have a full-time job and a partner, you will certainly have less time than a single student. By organizing your time in the right way, you can save yourself a lot of stress and you can also prepare yourself even better for your planned streams. How much time you can or want to invest is always up to you in the end, but it certainly doesn't hurt to be aware right from the start how much time you have left for your new hobby without having to cut back on other things.

Twitch tip 7: Streaming Schedule - The advantages of fixed streaming times

The great advantage of a streaming plan is quite easy to explain: Your viewers always know when they can expect a stream from you. Therefore, you should consider early on after you start streaming at what times you can stream and ideally present them on your channel. Also, you should consider what content you want to stream and when. For example, if you stream more than one game, you can set a fixed time for each game if some viewers are explicitly interested in one of your games. A streaming schedule is obviously not 100% fixed and you can, preferably with an announcement, skip a stream from time to time or stream a special on one of your days off.


Twitch tip 8: Entertainment is the name of the game

Entertainment value is without question the most important basic property for a good Twitch streamer. So one of your most important tasks is to be as entertaining and interactive as possible. You can do this in many different ways.

If you are particularly good at a video game, you can definitely generate entertainment value from that. If you also have the opportunity to share your thoughts and knowledge with your audience while playing the game, this will add additional value and quickly gather followers who love this special feature. Humor - without question a permanent fixture that never gets old. Funny comments, running gags and laughs are generally appreciated by almost all viewers. Interactivity with your chat is also very important to communicate directly with your audience. This point is especially easy to implement in the beginning and should definitely be considered.

Twitch tip 9: Streamheroes - The trading card game for streamers

Streamheroes is another way to encourage interaction with your audience. Streamheroes is a digital trading card game that was specifically developed for streamers and their viewers. You can easily connect your Twitch account with Streamheroes and create your own trading cards, which your viewers can then collect. You can find all information about Streamheroes and how it works on the websitewww.streamheroes.gg.

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Twitch tip 10: Short break... and now what?

If you have a long stream, you will often have to interrupt it briefly. In order to avoid boredom during your streaming breaks and to prevent your viewers from disappearing, there are a few possibilities that you should know and use. For example, you can add a highlight reel with funny moments from past streams, highlights such as especially good plays in video games and many other things. In addition, one of the best elements is a countdown. This allows your viewers to prepare themselves for the duration of the break and if necessary, take care of any minor details or arm themselves with snacks for your return. In the OWN3D shop you will find animated break scenes, designed with attention to detail and perfectly suited for this purpose.

Streaming breaks are not uncommon, but with the right implementation they can easily prevent annoying side effects such as boredom or a rapid departure of your viewers.

Twitch tip 11: Building reach through presence on multiple platforms

Your Twitch channel is up, your streams are up and running and you wonder what else you can do to boost your reach? Our Twitch tip: Extend your presence! It is recommended to be present on the most popular social media channels in addition to Twitch. Facebook, Twitter, Tiktok and Instagram are particularly suitable for this. Creating a fan page on Facebook is child's play and the most important information can be added in no time. These pages help you, for example, to point out your streams, receive and answer messages from your viewers and generally increase your presence. If you have been around for a while and have a certain audience, you might consider creating your own website, where you can offer merchandising, link your videos and (if you have one) promote your own discord channel. Creating more channels of communication offers a number of advantages and, apart from the small amount of time involved, does not bring any disadvantages. Discord can also be used as a modern replacement of a forum.

Twitch tip 12: Watch your VODs

Our last Twitch tip "Watch your VODs" is relatively easy to implement, but is still not done by many streamers. You yourself can be your biggest fan, but also your biggest critic. Your own VODs are worth their weight in gold here. Even if it is unpleasant to see yourself streaming, it is advisable to watch your own VODs at regular intervals. This way, you can discover possible improvement potentials and take your stream to the next level.


Streaming on Twitch is a very volatile hobby that always changes with the times. However, if you implement the Twitch tips presented in this article, you will be well-equipped to grow with the right amount of effort. There are a number of places in your Twitch stream that you can always expand and improve on and you will gain new experience with each new stream. Once you have implemented these Twitch tips and you are still hungry for new knowledge, you will find a variety of other informative articles about streaming on our website - also for more advanced users. We also offer a very wide range of products for streamers, with which you can improve the look of your channel and stream in no time at all.


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