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How to get sponsored on YouTube!

How to get sponsored on YouTube!

In this article, we'll tell you what YouTube sponsorship is all about and how to find a YouTube sponsor - have fun!


Posted at September 24, 2021

1 How to get sponsored on YouTube

It's the dream of many creators: using the content you make to find sponsors who support you financially, with great products or organizationally. The biggest YouTubers in the world have well-known companies behind them, promote products and can hardly save themselves from lucrative deals, but there are also creators who can land quite good sponsors with relatively small channels, because contrary to the general belief of many people, this is even commonplace in this day and age.

But how do you manage to attract the attention of sponsors with your YouTube channel? In this guide, we'll familiarize you with the basics and show you how you too can manage to get sponsored on YouTube.

2 Which brands and products fit your online presence?

First of all, you should be aware of which products fit your YouTube channel. After all, this knowledge will help you target your filter accordingly and search for very specific brands and products. Of course, as a pure makeup YouTuber, it wouldn't make much sense for one of her videos to feature the latest gaming headset from Logitech. Sponsors want the products they provide Creators to be a perfect fit for their target audience, so that potential buyers are attracted by them. So before you go on a big sponsor hunt, feel free to look at the market you're representing in your videos and pick out the appropriate brands.

3 How can you increase the chances of getting a YouTube sponsorship?

Whether you approach sponsors or they approach you, before things get rolling, there are some very important steps to consider that can help you with the entire process.

3.1 Become a brand

An important component of a successful creator persona is building a brand. This is not about registering a brand and launching products yourself, but about YOU becoming a brand. Viewers and sponsors like to see a coherent overall concept behind the person who is streaming, which can be clearly assigned. This concept is called "personal branding" and is extremely important to most creators today.

Personal branding is about making yourself distinctive and, defying the great world of the internet, incomparable. Your content should be innovative, yet within moments people should see that it is yours. Indicators of these qualities can be many different things. To give you a better understanding of them, we'll show you a few examples of how you can make yourself a brand in our quick overview.

  • Use a consistent channel design
    Colors, fonts, art style and design language should be perfectly coordinated and adapted to each other. Your channel design starts with your profile picture on YouTube and ends with your social media channels like Instagram and Twitter. With overlays, banners, emotes or even alert sounds you can personalize your entire online presence and make it interesting for sponsors. In theOWN3D storeyou will find all the design elements you need to put this project directly into practice.

  • Streaming or video personality that is unmistakable
    This may sound a bit strange at first, but with clever tricks you can manage to inspire your viewers with a certain way you present yourself in front of the camera. This can be very different and inconspicuous things: for example, a greeting at the beginning of your videos. With a unique and recurring greeting, you can already generate a kind of "unique selling point". Of course, you should always remain yourself in all of this, but in terms of entertainment, a certain "show personality" can be very important when building your own brand. That way, users and sponsors quickly know what they're getting with you. Whether it's witty entertainment, deeptalks or cool e-sports action.

  • Social Media
    In this day and age, social media is not only an extremely powerful engine for building your own brand, it also helps you find sponsors. That's why you should definitely set up social media channels like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and be active there accordingly. This way, sponsors can learn even more about you and your potential reach based on follower numbers.

3.2 Make sure you're targeting the same audience as the sponsor

As mentioned earlier, it is absolutely essential for sponsors to make sure that the person they are supporting appeals to the same audience as they do. Basically, there is a sponsor for every division on YouTube. Whether it's gaming, comedy, cooking, or fitness, there will always be brands for which you could be interesting as an advertising platform.

The average age of your audience can also play a major role for sponsors. It's important to make sure that your content isn't so diverse that you don't fit into any one category. Of course, you should also offer your viewers variety, but at best this is done very subtly and in such a way that the users or sponsors hardly notice anything. Try to specialize and become an important channel for people who are interested in a specific topic. This way you will make a great impression not only on your viewers but also on potential sponsors.

3.3 Convince with good content

In addition to all the marketing strategy tips & tricks, there is one very special aspect you should never ignore: the quality of your content. No matter how professional your channel looks, no matter how many viewers you have on your streams and videos - if your content is not good, this will of course be reflected in the comments and ratings on YouTube in the long run. If you have a video with 10,000 clicks, but this video has a like/dislike ratio of 60 to 40% and you are also constantly criticized and even hated in the comments, the chances of getting a good and serious sponsor are zero. After all, who buys products that are presented by a person they don't like? That's right - nobody.

4 Show that you want to earn money with YouTube

Last but not least, a little tip: Most sponsors like it when the creator has already done things to earn money with YouTube. This speaks for a certain competence and may even indicate that you are willing to promote other products. Finally, in this overview we would like to show you the most important ways to earn money on YouTube.

  • Amazon Affiliate Marketing
  • Placing advertisements.
  • Own store with merchandise

5 Finding a YouTube sponsor - Conclusion

It is certainly not easy to find your first sponsor, but with a few tricks that can be implemented by anyone, you can multiply the chances of getting a contract. By building a brand, good content, an entertaining and credible personality and of course a good portion of patience and perseverance, you could soon arouse the interest of sponsors. We wish you good luck!


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