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Dr Disrespect: Has the reason for the Twitch ban been revealed?

Dr Disrespect: Has the reason for the Twitch ban been revealed?

Suddenly he was gone and everyone just thought "Huh?" - Now there are new clues as to why the Doc had to leave Twitch for good


Posted at March 10, 2021

In June 2020, it had happened - The Twitch account of one of the most famous streamers in the world was permanently banned and the entire Twitch community was wondering how it could happen. At the time, there was no clear statement regarding the reason for the ban, neither from Twitch nor from Dr Disrespect himself. All sides remained largely silent, while fans were already busy speculating and even sensing a big conspiracy. There were quick speculations that something serious might have happened behind the scenes, but the Doc also made public statements several times saying that he was not aware of any guilt.

Did Dr Disrespect try to put pressure on Twitch with a Mixer offer?


This is at least the assumption of an alleged insider who has this information from internal sources at Twitch. The insider in question is Jeff Leach, a voice actor and actor who has already lent his voice to a Call of Duty character. From his statements, it can be concluded that the doc probably received an offer from the Twitch competitor Mixer at the time and thus tried to intimidate the people in charge at Twitch in order to get a better contract at Twitch. After the Mixer launch, Ninja and shroud, two absolute Twitch figureheads, already switched to Mixer and Twitch could only hope not to lose any more influential creators to another platform. Apparently, Dr Disrespect knew this as well, presenting Twitch with an alleged offer from Mixer - along the lines of "Either you give me more money than Mixer, or I'm gone!". But Twitch doubted the authenticity of the alleged offer and accused the streamer of negligent lying, which may have led to the ban. Of course, all of these speculations do not come from our pen and only refer to Jeff Leach's statements.


The Twitch ban doesn't seem to have done Dr Disrespect any great harm, either financially or in terms of popularity, because the 39-year-old has found a new digital home in YouTube, which has been accepted by his loyal community without any problems. Viewer numbers have even risen slightly since the switch. He duly celebrated his YouTube debut with a big show that was watched live by 335,000 people. In the meantime, the man in the wig seems to feel very comfortable on YouTube, which is hardly surprising given the gigantic viewer numbers. With 3.27 million subscribers, he attracts thousands of people to his screen almost every day, and he certainly knows how to entertain them with his unconventional and direct style.


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